...a humble request

...a humble request

...You n I

You and I, we've come so far, but yet we still have a long way to go before we can touch the tip of an iceberg, and say that we know love as beautiful. We have shared some private confessions, but yet... we refuse to let go, and experience the things that can change the way we view love as something special. We can dream of the time and place... we can dream of the moment, the rhythm, and the pace that makes the ordinary... unsual, and new.
We can lay there and wish that just a piece of the dream comes true, but it will all be just wasted motions... waves rolling over the mysteries of oceans if we keep the secrets to ourselves.

Yes, you and I, we've come so far, but yet we still have a long way to go before we can touch the tip of an iceberg, and say that we know love as beautiful. I long to see you blossom just as much as you'd like to see me glow, but neither one of us wants to budge an inch...
Meanwhile, the iceberg continues to melt away slowly as we bask in the few moments of our own relief only to have that passion come back to haunt us once again. We've yet to see just how beautiful love can be because pride keeps us from taking a swan dive into a blissful sea.


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