...a humble request

...a humble request

मेरो ३ घण्टा...

Thames River किनारमा रहेको एउटा बारमा छु। अगाडी कर्ल्स्बेर्ग समय विताउने सुरमा छु। तेसैले वियर रित्याई हाल्दिन बरु कचौराको पिनट्स मुठ्याउछु र एक एक गर्दै चपाउछु। Western गीत बजिरहेको छ। अगाडिको कुर्शीमा सानो जिउडालको राम्री केटी देख्छु। शान्त कतै हेरी रहेकी उसको आँखा केहि बेरमै ममा पर्छ। म पनि हेरिदिन्छु। आँखा जुझ्न पुग्छ। उ मुस्कुराउछ अनि म पनि। मिलेको त्यो मुहार, जिन्स पेन्ट र कम्पनी टिसट लगाएकी परी झैँ देखिएको छ।

त्यो रमझम बारमा जाने मेरो कुनै योजना थिए। न त त्यति राम्री केटी भेटिन्छ भने पनि कुनै कल्पना गरेको थिइन। दिनभरको  घुमघाम र किन्मेल  पछि वेलुका यो बारमा पुगेको छु।  भोलि त दोहा कतार हुदै आफ्नो देश फर्कनु नै  छ। चुपचाप डेरामा कोची बस्न धैर्य भएन। घुम्न निस्के, बेलुकाको ७ बजिसकेछ गीत सानो रन्केको छैन "लेट्स गो फर डान्स" शुरीलो  आवाज कानमा पर्छ। आवाज छेउबाटै आएको रहेछ, मेरै लागि। अघि कै केटी मलाई नाच्न आग्रह गर्दैछ। हल्लाले सुन्न धेरै ध्यान दिन परेकोछ। उ मेरो नजिक आउछ। कानै टोकौला झैँ गरेर भन्छ "जाने होइन त नाच्न" ! "यो गीतमा होइन" म टार्न खोज्छु। मेरो हात पो तान्न थाल्छ। अगाडी अलिकति खाली ठाउँ छ नाच्ने कोहि छैन, सबै आ-आफ्नो धुनमा कोहि गफ-शफ कोहि शान्त भएर गीत सुनी रहेको झैँ देखिन्छन आ-आफ्नो चुस्कीसंगै। "आउ न जाम नाच्न" उसको ढिपी मायालाग्दो छ "अर्को गीत त बजोस" उसलाई भन्छु यसै भन्दै टारिरहन्छु। उ रिसाए झैँ आ-जाती भएर जान्छे अनि नाच्न थाल्छ। अर्को गीत बज्न थाल्छ...

Excuse Meh! पछाडीबाट फेरी कसैले कोट्याउछ। उनि फेरी आएछ। New Song उ फेरी मलाई नाच्न जाऊ भन्ने इसारा गर्दैछे। मेरो अटेरीपन यहि आएर हार्छ। हातमा पक्रेर बच्चालाई झैँ मलाई डोर्याउछ। मलाई राम्रो नाच्न आउदैन। उसकै नाच्ने चाल पछ्याउछु। अब बिस्तारै रमाइलो लाग्न थालेको छ। गीत सकिए पछि म फेरी टेवल तिर फर्किन्छु। उ पनि छेउमा आएर बस्छ। उसको नाम सोधे, नाम रोज रहेछ, "गुलाफ जस्तै छौ असाधै राम्री" म फुर्काई दिन्छु। अब हामी खुल्न थालेका छौ। उसको घर Plumstead  रहेछ बिहान कलेज बेलुकी बारको जागिरे उ हात समातेरै टेबलमा नाच्न थाल्छ। म पनि बेला बेलामा टेबल डान्स गरिदिन्छु। उ अझ नजिक आउछ।

बार बन्द हुने बेला भैसकेछ वेटरहरु कुदा-कुद् गर्न थाल्छन। एउटा वेटर मेरो टेबलमा पनि आउछ र बिल थमाउछ। केटी रोज सकिएको वेयर र वेनको ग्लास लैजान वेटरलाई संकेत् गर्छ। कुराकानी सकिएको छैन तर सक्न बाध्य छु। ओरीपरी हल्ला यसरी बढेकोछ कि हामी एक अर्काले बोलेको सुनिरहेका छैनौ। मोवाइल नम्बेर टिप्न मेरो मोवेइल "ON" हुदैन। बेट्री उफफफा! घडी हेर्छु रातको १० बजिसकेछ। घर पुगेर खाना खानु त छदै छ तर यो निश्चित छ कि उसंगको अपुरो कुराकानीले खाना पछि पनि म भोकै हुनेछु।

"नाइस टु मिट इयु" हात मिलाउदै मलिन मुखले उ धेरै खुशी भएको भन्दै दुवै हातले बेसरी समात्छ । हामी छुट्नु नै छ, म ढोकामा पुगेर पछाडी हेर्छु। उ पनि हेरी रहेको छ वाई वाई हात हल्लाउदै म बाहिर निस्कन्छु...

Tongba टोम्बा

Tongba is a millet-based alcoholic beverage found in the eastern region of Nepal. It is the traditional and indigenous drink of the Kirati (Rai and Limbu) people of eastern Nepal. Tongba is culturally and religiously important to the Kirati people.

Tongba actually is the vessel which holds the fermented alcoholic beverage known as Jaand. Jaand is prepared by cooking and fermenting whole grain millet. The cooked millet is cooled and mixed with marcha (which is a source of molds, bacteria and yeast). Then the mass is collected and placed in a woven bamboo basket lined with green leaves or plastic, covered with thick fold of cloth and allowed to remain in a warm place for 1–2 days depending upon the temperature. The sweet mass is then packed tightly into an earthenware pot or plastic jars and the opening is usually sealed off to prevent air from entering. After 7–15 days also depending upon the temperature, the fermentation is complete and the mass is converted to jaand. The time jaand is left to remain undisturbed in the pot after completion of fermentation leads to maturing of the jaand, during which the flavours and taste intensifies yet become more mellowed. Traditionally it is stored for about six months. It is consumed in a unique way: the fermented millet is put in a container, also traditionally called a Tongba, and boiled water is poured in it to the brim. It is then left undisturbed for about five minutes. Once the five minutes has passed it is ready to drink; a fine bamboo straw with a blind end, but perforated on the side to act as a filter, is inserted into the container to suck out the warm water and alcohol from the millet grains. More hot water is added as the tongba becomes dry, and the process is repeated until the alcohol is exhausted

New Nepali Pop Song 2013 Ocean Rai Jiwan Saathi (Official Music Video) HD


...You n I

You and I, we've come so far, but yet we still have a long way to go before we can touch the tip of an iceberg, and say that we know love as beautiful. We have shared some private confessions, but yet... we refuse to let go, and experience the things that can change the way we view love as something special. We can dream of the time and place... we can dream of the moment, the rhythm, and the pace that makes the ordinary... unsual, and new.
We can lay there and wish that just a piece of the dream comes true, but it will all be just wasted motions... waves rolling over the mysteries of oceans if we keep the secrets to ourselves.

Yes, you and I, we've come so far, but yet we still have a long way to go before we can touch the tip of an iceberg, and say that we know love as beautiful. I long to see you blossom just as much as you'd like to see me glow, but neither one of us wants to budge an inch...
Meanwhile, the iceberg continues to melt away slowly as we bask in the few moments of our own relief only to have that passion come back to haunt us once again. We've yet to see just how beautiful love can be because pride keeps us from taking a swan dive into a blissful sea.



Spring has come with flowers bright
With longer days and shorter night

The daisies the grass are spread
And marrigolds with yellow head

The lambs about the fields are skipping
The children to the flowers are tripping

Spring has come with flowers bright
With longer days and shorter night...